
Catch The Next Wave

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Start, grow, and sustain a faith community in today’s world.

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Understand what this century requires from leaders

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Exchange ideas with veteran church-starter Steve Pike.

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Understand the specific people you’re called to reach.

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Meet others currently starting faith communities in hard places.

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New metrics. New ways to become sustainable.


About Next Wave

Are you called to start a faith community in a hard place? Maybe you’re headed where you know they don’t know Him. Maybe Christ’s name is only spouted as a curse word, where the attitudes are as tough as the pavement.

The path ahead looks lonely. You wonder, Can anyone do this effectively? And if so—where are those people?


We’re here, and we’re waiting for you.

Next Wave equips and empowers 21st Century leaders to start and sustain healthy faith communities in hard places, wherever in the world they may be.

Are you ready to do this?

Join The Community

If you want to minister effectively today:

Learn the twelve mind-shifts necessary to make disciples in our current world.

Find out how to model a faith community that’s relevant to the needs of the culture you’re called to.

Incorporate forward-thinking ideas for funding, metrics, and team-building.

Fortunately, you don't have to do it alone. Be a part of the Next Wave

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Lay the foundation for a
ministry that will last.

Lay the foundation for a ministry that will last.

Learn What’s Next

Next Wave: Discovering the 21st Century Church reveals a new paradigm for leaders.

Join The Community

Our online community of church starters is waiting for you. The first month is free.

Engage & Receive

Daily conversation. Fresh ideas from Steve Pike. Special guests often.


Take Jesus to the Hard Places

No compromise on the truth. But no preconceptions on the method, either.

We need everyone called to the dry and hard places to contribute to the work that needs to be done. Is that you?


Buy The Book on Kindle

In Next Wave, Steve Pike, veteran church starter and Urban Islands Project founder, will give you the tools you need to minister effectively in the 21st century.

Buy The Book