
Go from institution to on-mission.

“What’s my motivation?” That’s the question every church-starter needs to answer to ensure the most significant ministry impact.

What separates good actors from great ones is their ability to internalize the characters’ motives. Feeling those motives is what creates authenticity and connection to the audience. For pastors, your vision and core values give you that same opportunity to answer the questions, “What are my motives for the work of my ministry?”

In Chapter 10, “Reconsider Core Values,” you will;

  • Gain new insight from 5 key “shifts” to stay on mission
  • Learn new principles that you can put right into practice
  • Uncover and realign your motives for ministry

Download your FREE PDF of “Mind-Shift Ten:” to learn more.

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Amazon Best Seller from verteran church starter Steve Pike


“If you’ve ever surfed, you know that not every wave is worth riding and that lulls between sets are normal. The ultimate goal is to ride the best possible wave, get off it before it loses its forward momentum and then paddle back out to prepare to catch the next wave. Pastoral ministry is similar only it has eternal consequences. In this book Steve addresses 12 shifts that will help you (re)learn to read the waves and will encourage you to wait out the lulls.”

Dr. Jeffery Portmann Church Multiplication Network Director